Nicole Morrigan is a multi-media artist based near London, UK

My artwork encompasses social, political and cultural issues.  Often referencing the female experience and female rage, my work explores the emotional resonances between lived experience and fine art.

Whilst I use a variety of materials and processes in each project, my methodology is consistent.  The subject matter of each body of work determines their materials and the forms but they all start off with a huge amount of research and some subconscious mulling (often into the wee hours of the morning).

Each project tends to consist of multiple works, often in a range of different media, grouped around specific themes. This results in an eclectic mix.

Sometimes I make deeply personal work or to express an emotional reaction to an issue close to my heart. Sometime I make work just because it makes me laugh.

You can decide which is which.

A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art
— Cezanne